
Contact / Disclosure / Review Policy


There are a few ways I can be contacted;
    • Comment on a post I have made
    • Email: ObsessionwithBooks(at)gmail(dot)com
    • Goodreads -
    • Twitter - @SharonBooks


      All books reviewed on this blog have been purchased, borrowed or received directly from an author/publisher.

      This blog accepts NO forms of paid compensation for my reviews; they are based on my personal opinion only.

      Please note: all images that are found on this blog - book covers, etc. belong to their rightful owners; no copyright infringement is intended. 

      All original content and opinions expressed on the pages of Obsession with Books  are my own.

      Comments that are left are the opinions of their individual authors. I am not responsible for the content of external pages linked on this site.

      Review Policy

      ** Updated 20th January 2016 - I am NOT accepting review requests at this time. 
      This may change over the coming weeks/months.

      I am currently open to receiving books for review, interviews, blog tours and guest posts although on an extremely limited basis and only of the Young Adult genre at this time. Please bear in mind I will be extremely selective about the books I do choose to read. I am happy to accept print and e-books (preferably in a format which allows me to read on my Kindle - MOBI or PDF). My preferred reading genre is Young Adult (sub-genre: dystopia, fantasy, contemporary, urban fantasy, sci-fi, paranormal - preferably with romance),

      I will also review (although on an extremely limited basis) - Paranormal Romance, Romantic Suspense, Urban Fantasy, Dystopian and Fantasy although I am open to other genres if the synopsis intrigues me. I will not read, non-fiction, poetry, biographies, religion, classics, historicals and erotic literature. I am not a professional reviewer, I read purely as a hobby and my reviews are based solely on my personal opinion, included in my review will be:
       * Book cover
      * Amazon purchase link (if you wish another link to appear, please let me know at the time of request)
      * Book information including number of pages, genre, series (if applicable) etc. *Synopsis - generally from Goodreads *Publication details *My review
      * Rating as per my 'Rating System' page

      ** I try to read every book I am sent but a written review cannot always be guaranteed - especially if it is a book I had trouble connecting with. (please do not send me your book unless I have agreed to read it).
       My reviews are posted on my blog, Goodreads and Amazon (elsewhere if requested). I am not able to respond to every request but will respond if I am interested in reading your book.  When you request, please ensure you provide me with your full name, book synopsis, genre and the publication date. (links would also be great)
