Tuesday 27 September 2011

INTERVIEW / Author Spotlight - Wolf Print by Katie Cody

I am pleased to welcome Katie Cody, author of 'Wolf Print' to my blog today!

SYNOPSIS: After five years of being imprisoned in a lab where they tortured the occupants daily Melinda has finally made her escape.

Things were not always like this however she had a normal life and a normal family until one day when her family had been celebrating her birthday they were attacked and taken to this facility. Melinda somehow survived the brutal years of torture, but her parents weren't so lucky.

When she finally escaped her nightmare however she ran into a mysterious stranger who seemed to have secrets of his own.

The only question now is will she be able to keep her secret from him while evading the very people who had made her life a living hell.

Author Bio: I am an avid reader and absolutely love romance novels of any genre. I have written stories since I was seven years old, but only recently decided to self publish. Writing is the way I clear my mind of all the stories that float round in my head daily. Otherwise I am up all night thinking about the different plots and characters. Being able to share my stories with people who enjoy them is a really great bonus! 


Welcome to Obsession with Books Katie, Are you able to tell us a little about your book Wolf Print and yourself? 

Wolf Print is about a girl named Melinda who was kidnapped and locked up for experimentation for two years. She escapes, but unfortunately her parents who had been kidnapped with her weren’t so lucky. Eventually she meets up with someone who may be able to help her, but he has secrets of his own that may be more than she can handle.

When and why did you begin writing?

I have been writing for years, but I only just recently started publishing my work. I think my first stories I ever wrote were when I was seven years old.

Where did the inspiration for your book Wolf Print come from?

Well I have always liked the idea of werewolves and I started thinking about how it would be if they were real. I figured someone would have to figure it out even if they were not believed and what if that person was an evil genius looking to prove something to the world. I of course had to have a strong female character and that’s where Melinda came in. The romance part was a given since I believe everything is better with a little love. After that it was just getting it down on paper.

What is your ideal day as an author?

Getting at least three or more pages finished and drinking hot chocolate.

Are you able to describe what your writing process is like?

When writing “Wolf Print” I tended to go with the flow. I had kind of an idea where I wanted the story to go, but for the most part I would get a moment of inspiration and start typing away.

Are there any books or authors that have most influenced you?

I would have to say Hannah Howell “Dark Hero” since that is where I got the inspiration for my character Melinda from. I really liked her character Evanna Massey because she was so brave yet still had an innocent quality to her and wanted to have a heroine like that for my book.

Is there are book you are reading at the moment? And do you tend to favor a particular genre?

At the moment I am reading “Prince of Wolves” (The Grey Wolves Series). I do tend to favor the paranormal romance genre and really anything with an alpha werewolf as the main character.

What is up next for you?

I am actually working on a story called “Mermaids Tail”. It still in the drafting phase, but it will be about a girl named Caroline Andersen who gets into a mess of trouble with the popular girls in her new school. For reasons unknown to her they absolutely hate her and do anything in their power to make her life miserable. If that wasn’t bad enough Caroline soon finds herself stuck in the ocean with a very painful tail.

Quick Questions:

Fave band / television series / movie? Evanescence, (upcoming) Once upon a Time, “While you were sleeping” (movie)

Coffee or tea? neither

E-reader or hardcopy? Hardcopy, I like to be able to flip through pages and admire the cover without looking at a screen all the time.

Cats or Dogs? Dogs

Ideal travel destination? Ireland because it is just a beautiful place and I have always wanted to go there.

Thank-you so much Katie for taking time to talk to us today!  

Contact Katie - Blog

1 comment:

  1. Cool Interview!

    I can't wait to watch Once Upon A Time, I LOVE fairy tales!!! <3

    Well, yeah, I'm a romantic... lol


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