Saturday 16 June 2012

Interview & Guest Post - Pixie Lynn Whitfield (Author of Darkness Comes this Way)

I am so pleased to have the wonderfully talented Pixie Lynn Whitfield on my blog today for an interview and a guest post on ‘Finding Inspiration’.

Pixie’s debut novel, Darkness Comes this Way was released on the 15th May and is the first book in The Guardian’s of the Night series.

 Darkness Comes This Way (The Guardians of the Night #1)
Author: Pixie Lynn Whitfield
Series: The Guardians of the Night
Pages: 380
Genre: Paranormal / Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Self
My Review

Contact Pixie - Blog / Twitter / Goodreads  

Synopsis. (Goodreads)

Zarah Duncan is a Guardian. It’s an elite job that protects humans and the untainted vampires from the real monsters: those lost to the bloodlust. Rogues infest the city. Missing humans, unsolved cases…Zarah knows what the real cause is and she’s been trained since childhood to destroy them.

But she has a haunting past that catches up one day. Zarah was Rogue once, and until her, no one else has ever cured from the poisoned state of mind before. She’s been labeled a miracle, and the mystery only builds. She gets the awful feeling there’s more to it than just a lucky magical come-back. There are deep, dark secrets being kept. Maybe her boss Nathanial knows something? When she gets paired with a partner, Draven Kinsley, it only adds more difficulty. He hates her and swears that with a single look, she’ll poison him. To make matters worse, her Rogue brother has to show up, and he brings with him a shocking announcement. What Zarah learns from him rocks her entire world upside down. She not only begins to question who and what she is anymore, but it can possibly change the Vampire race forever.

The scary part: someone else knows too…and they’ll do anything to get her special blood, spelling disaster for the humans that Guardians have secretly been protecting for decades.

Vampires, fallen angels, war, betrayal, and romance fill this Paranormal/Urban Fantasy debut, the first book to a high-action trilogy.


Welcome to Obsession with Books Pixie, Are you able to tell us a little about your book Darkness Comes This Way and yourself?

First, thank you so much for having me, Sharon!

Darkness Comes This Way is my debut novel, released last month, and is the first book to a YA Paranormal trilogy. Though it is technically classified “YA”, I find that it can be easily crossed over for adult, too (no, no explicit content, with the exception of some language). There’s action, vampires, fallen angels, and twists. I wanted to create something unique, and I hope I did.

I’m a bookworm, history nerd, and I have an unhealthy obsession with all things strange and quirky. I live in Texas with my husband and three step-kids. Constantly kept on my toes between the family and my various projects. ^^

When and why did you begin writing?

I started writing at a young age, about ten I believe when I sat down and began writing my short stories. I’d been telling stories before that. I liked playing out the stories in my head when I was little with puppets and dolls. Haha. Around the time I really started writing though, I was going through a very harsh moment in life and learned that writing was therapeutic.

Where did the inspiration for your series The Guardian’s of the Night come from?

Partly a dream, and partly a word prompt from an old writing contest when I once visited a writing site. The word was “insanity” but I was mentally blocked and couldn’t figure out what I wanted to write revolving around the word. It was a just-for-fun contest anyway. That night, I dreamt of Draven. Or partially. I imagined his accent and saw his eyes. I felt this strange annoying anger that was buried in this character, and then when I woke up the idea was just…there. Zarah was in my head with Thomas and Draven the moment I awoke and I was like “YES!” Probably not a very exciting story on how it came to be, but I’m honest at least.

What is your ideal day as an author?

Wake up, jump on Twitter, procrastinate, read, write about a hundred words or so, procrastinate some more, Twitter/Goodreads/FB,  read or blog, write about another four hundred words. Haha. This is an average day. I have different types. Some days are much much better. I try to write at least 500-600 words a day though if I can’t do much more than that.

Do you mind telling us how long it took for you to write Darkness Comes This Way?

Sure. It took me a year and a half. And most of that year I had writer’s block. Once I really started writing it, I finished within a couple months. The editing process is the longest. It took me almost three months to work on editing (and I’m probably still not fully satisfied, but an author will always edit if they could. We’re our own worst critics.).

Is there anything about you that would surprise your readers? Any quirks, habits, routines etc.

I actually have many quirks and what not. I’m a bit OCD. Dishes go in the dishwasher a certain order. No one is allowed to rinse off dirty dishes in the left side of the sink. It MUST be the right side. Books, though a bit chaotic because I’m out of space on my shelves, still get shelved in a certain order. I used to shelve them alphabetically but later changed it to shelving by series so that they’re all in order. Haha.

Are you able to describe what your writing process is like?

I don’t do outrageous, detailed outlines. Mostly, I just write and take small notes. When ideas strike for later chapters or character sheets, I take notes in a notebook I keep. I might do small chapter “brief summary” outlines for chapters if I need to keep the ideas flowing and to prevent plot holes. I do make detailed character sheets so that every detail of my characters are on pages. When writing, I usually just let the words flow though! I never edit until I’m finished. I just keep writing. Editing is last.

Are there any books or authors that have most influenced you?

There are quite a bit really. Shakespeare. Anne Rice. Stephen King. Richelle Mead. Melissa Marr. Just to name a few.

Is there a book you are reading at the moment? And do you tend to favor a particular genre?

I’m reading a few at the moment. Haha. I’m reading Cold Fury by T.M. Goeglein, Glitch by Heather Anastasiu, and Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman. And yes, I tend to favor YA mostly—and many of YA’s subgenres—Fantasy, Dystopian, Contemporary, and Paranormal. I really love a lot of Dystopian and Paranormal.

If Darkness Comes This Way were to be made into a movie, who would you chose to play the roles of your main characters Zarah & Draven?

Oh gosh, that’s a hard one! I really don’t know. I was asked this once before and I thought maybe Emma Stone might look good as Zarah. But I have no idea for Draven. Perhaps Cam Gigandet (and no, I’m not a Twilight fan. Did not mention him because of that. I just like the guy’s image)

In all seriousness, I would be more interested in fans’ choices and visions for character cast when it comes to this question. Everyone has different views and sees their own vision of the characters. I think it’d be neat hearing the different suggestions.

What is up next for you?

Book two for The Guardians of the Night trilogy is due out around January of 2013. I’m also currently working on a stand-alone YA Dystopian/Horror (it also deals with vampires but extremely different) and a stand-alone YA Contemporary Romance. There are no set release dates for these two projects yet though. I’m hoping to announce something for one of these in the near future.

Quick Questions:

Fave band / television series / movie?

Lot of bands/musicians, so I’ll just name a few: Godsmack, Green Day, Three Days Grace, Avenged Sevenfold, David Bowie, Alan Jackson, Lady Gaga, Coldplay, Maroon 5, Luke Bryan, Apocalyptica, and more. Television series: I’m Supernatural and True Blood obsessed. Probably my two favorite. I also love The Walking Dead, Ridiculousness, Big Brother, Pretty Little Liars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and when it’s baseball season, I’m watching that also. Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Sweeny Todd, Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, Labyrinth, Underworld, Stardust, Star Trek (the new one), Zombieland, and Resident Evil. These are the movies I can never get tired of, no matter how many times I see them.

Coffee or tea?

Tea. I don’t like coffee (the horror!).

E-reader or hardcopy?

Hardcopy preferred. I don’t have  a problem reading e-books though. But nothing can replace a physical book—the smell and feel—and that is that.

Cats or Dogs

Cats. I have a cat and dog. But I’ve always had more of an affinity to kitties. I think it’s because I was viciously mauled as a child by a large dog, so I do have an underlying fear of them even now as an adult. :/

Ideal travel destination?

Ireland. Hopefully one day!

Thank-you so much Pixie for taking time to talk to us today!

Thank you for the opportunity and wonderful interview!


My name is Pixie. I am a twenty-seven year old author and book geek. Writing and reading are my passions, and have been for as long as I can remember. I love collecting books, talking books, and book shopping. I think I can safely say that a lot of my current "debt" is attributed to books. Haha. It's an addiction that I'm proud of. :) Sadly, I don't have many local friends that are into the book scene, so I'm a bit of a loner at times. Being a part of the blogging community in the last year and a half has been wonderful and I've met so many great people!

Some like to put the label "nerd" on me, but I don't mind a bit. I embrace my geeky-chic!

Growing up, I wasn't like the "normal" kids, and always had my nose either stuck in a book, or a pen dashing along the pages of a notebook.

I'd known from that first “I do not like green eggs and ham” line that all I wanted out of life was to be a writer one day too. And when I started learning about ghost stories and other creepy things not much longer after that, I fell in love with the paranormal.
I write YA-- Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Dystopian, and some Horror, and just finished my second full-length novel currently in the process of publication. Darkness Comes This Way is to be released this June. Asides from my novel works, I'm also constantly working on novellas and short stories on the side, as well as two other novels in progress. I have had some short stories featured in publications before.

Outside of writing and reading: I love history, baseball and tennis, rock music/concerts, tattoos, Johnny Depp, Supernatural (Sam and Dean!), western boots and ballet flats, spunky clothes, band tees, all things purple, and my friends.

Contact Pixie - Blog / Twitter / Goodreads 


Finding Inspiration
By: Pixie Lynn Whitfield

Every writer has their inspirations, true?
Today I’d like to take a few moments to tell you about mine. They’re not all in my own genre, or even writers themselves, but at some point in my life, I was inspired or felt thankful to these people or events and it’s what molded me as the writer I am today--and the writer I’m continuing to grow and shape into now.

I was a young reader and my first foray into reading was gifted by my father. He wasn’t a writer, but he taught me to read. Between him and my mother putting a focus on the love of books and my education at a young age, I found my love of reading and telling stories early on. The first books I have to attribute an inspiration to are Dr. Seuss, most particularly that special one, Green Eggs and Ham, that I must’ve read at least a hundred times by the time I was six years old. Then came the leap into older, more advanced books. I’d been tested in the first grade and determined to have a high reading level then--which gave me the freedom to read whichever books I wanted from the school library (we had a system back then that if you were in a certain “reading level”, you couldn’t check out books above that reading level, just so you wouldn’t struggle to read and then fail the reading tests later). I read and enjoyed Nancy Drew, R.L. Stine, and Babysitter’s Club for a short time. They didn’t seem to satisfy me. I liked them okay enough. I was really drawn to the mysteries of Nancy Drew and the darker side of R.L. Stine books, but I wanted something more.

The paranormal and supernatural beliefs have always been strong in my family. We’re mostly Irish. It’s probably a given. I think I was a naturally born curious-driven individual with a need to know more, a need for learning. I love history. I love legends. It’s why I’m drawn to the paranormal stories. They all come from some kind of ancient story that’s been passed down through the generations.

I was around ten when I picked up my first Stephen King book. It was scary. I think I had nightmares. But I was so drawn into his writing and world-building that I wanted to read more, despite the possibility of more bad dreams. Then came Anne Rice, and my already-growing love of vampires became an obsession. How are they overused? This is a creature that can be molded and shaped many times, in many unique ways. This is a legend that has been around since ancient times--long before Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I was going through rough times in my life. Books and writing became my escape from the harsh reality I was really facing. The way I’d looked at it, I’d rather read monsters and serial killers than stay in the real world. I don’t think I could ever properly thank Mr. King or Ms. Rice enough for that brief escape every time I opened one of their books. Just like, as odd as it may sound, if he were still alive, I probably would thank my molester of three years. If it weren’t for that event, I may not have opened my eyes up to the books before me as soon as I did. I may not have started writing as soon as I did. Of course, after thanking such a sick freak, I’d have to hurt him. Of course, I would never call this man an inspiration. I’m just saying that I would feel obligated to thank him briefly because of my turn to many books and writing back then. But that’s not what this post is about.

I found my love of classics shortly before going into high school. I was glad for this. A lot of my classes had required reading and I would have had to read them anyway. I noticed a bad trend of my fellow classmates hating the required reading, while I either loved it (if I hadn’t read it by that point), or already had read it and loved it. I owe a lot most particularly to Shakespeare. Most everyone who knows me knows I’m a Shakespeare geek. You may wonder how does Shakespeare have anything to do with my own work? He probably doesn’t. I’d never make the impact he did and I don’t write poetry exactly. But he inspired me to keep persevering. Focus on my own characters and build them. His beautiful words always inspire me. Even when it’s only needing something good to read.
The Bronte Sisters--Emily and Charlotte--inspire the romantic in me, with a bit of an edge sometimes.

When I grew into an adult, my inspirations remained the same, but the list continued to grow. Some newer writers were added: Melissa Marr, Richelle Mead, and Charlaine Harris. Just to name a few.

Music inspires me. Old and new rock, country, classical. Sometimes I can get whole chapters or characters after hearing lyrics.

Movies influence me. I love action-packed films, the strange and unusual, and comedy, laugh-until-you-cry movies best. Sometimes I like the sweet and romantic, but I have to be in the mood. Sometimes I see movies that were never books, and I think why wasn’t this a book? But that only tells me the cast and crew did their job. As a viewer, I connected with the characters. As a writer, I want the same thing for my readers. I want them to connect with my characters and say the same thing one day: why isn’t this a movie?

I find inspiration in many people--writers, family, friends--and things. I continue to find it each day. They help me grow as not only an author, but as a person. I admire them. I aspire to be just a small inkling of what they’re like. I love them all for it, even if I never meet some of them. I hope as writers and readers, you can proudly announce your own inspirations. Share them! You don’t have to be a writer to be inspired by other writers. An author can inspire readers everywhere for their own everyday lives.

Thank you, Sharon, for the great opportunity to be at your blog today!

With all the love,


Also, be sure to check out the next stops on the blog tour:

The Book Barbies (June 18)
Sisters Unedited (June 25)
Book Review Club (June 26)


  1. This book sounds amazing and I loved your interview and Pixie's answers (also a great guest post).

    Definitely adding this one on to my TBR pile.

  2. Great post! Thanks so much for it! It's always fun to read about what inspires other writers. I totally identify with the first part about her dad, because my dad and his love of books and stories was one of my first inspirations as well. Thank you for sharing it! :D


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