Monday, 17 September 2012

Review: Solid (Solid #1) by Shelley Workinger

Author: Shelley Workinger
Series: Solid
Pages: 221
Genre: YA
Publisher: Self
Amazon: Solid

Synopsis. (Goodreads)

Clio Kaid may be 17 and just beginning the last summer before her senior year, but her life is anything but typical.

She's just discovered she was genetically altered before birth and is now headed to a top-secret Army campus to explore the surprising results of the experiment.

Follow Clio and the other teens as they develop fantastic super-abilities, forge new friendships, and find love as they search for answers.

Review: 4 out of 5 stars

Solid by Shelley Workinger is the first book in the Solid series and was kindly provided to me by the author in exchange for my honest review.

I wasn’t planning on reading Solid as yet due to a number of other commitments I have but as soon as I took a sneak peek, I couldn’t put it down and literally finished it in one sitting.

Solid follows the story of a group of genetically enhanced teens who find out they have been altered in utero by a rogue military scientist and as a result has possibly left them with unusual abilities; each of them have been located and sent away to a top-secret campus to explore the results of the experiment.

Calliope ‘Clio’ Kaid is our main character and was thoroughly entertaining and very easy to like, I loved the relationship she shared with her mother as well as the other teens at camp; their interactions were enjoyable.

I especially loved the friendship Clio came to form with Bliss who was a sweetheart, flirtatious sporty Garrett, health conscious and annoying Miranda and the love interest Jack who is smart and really sweet.

Solid flowed well, the engrossing plot kept me wanting to know more and the mystery surrounding the teens, the campus and the experiment was quite fascinating. I really wanted to know more about their abilities and what each of the groups within the camp (athletic, artistic and the generals) could actually do – I liked how they were training to utilize their gifts and I was keen to learn about the experiments purpose, I also quite liked the villain until all was revealed.  

Overall, Solid is a great introduction to the Solid series by Ms Workinger, her writing is engaging and the plot and characterizations both entertaining. I liked that we weren’t given an overflow of information which tends to be the case in the first book of a series; we are given just enough to pique our interests and want more.

I am definitely eager to read the next book in the series, Settling which we got a sneak peek of in this book and left me gaping. 

Thank-you to Ms. Workinger for providing me a copy of Solid.


  1. This sounds interesting, not a fan of the cover but I am intrigued by the whole secret government experiment thing. So glad you enjoyed this one Sharon!

  2. I've been wanting to read this series forever!!! I just love sci fi and government experiments! So curious to see how their abilities develop and what happens at this camp!

  3. I've been hearing good things about this one for some time now. I'm happy you liked it, because I do definitely intend to read it at some point soon! :) I like that the writing held your attention - points to the author for that!

    Molli | Once Upon a Prologue

  4. I had never actually heard of this book before but your review makes me want to read it!! The cover is a bit odd for me, but I can move past that ;) great review!

  5. Never heard of the book, but it sounds interesting and engaging! Thanks for sharing.

  6. This is a well written and informative piece.


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