Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Good-bye Google Reader hello Bloglovin!

Hi everyone, as you are all aware, Google Reader is no longer available.

As an alternative, there is Bloglovin – 
If you would like to continue following me in a reader, you can do so here:

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Or, you can get my posts through Feedburner or delivered via email 

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If you are also using Bloglovin, leave me your details in the comments section and I'll be sure to follow you back.


  1. Google/Blogger is getting rid of all of their blog-friendly products, aren't they? On the plus side, Bloglovin' is terrific! I'm already using it for a lot of blogs I don't follow by email and it's much easier to use.

    1. Blogger is driving me batty! ;) I tried Feedly but had issues with my feed so Bloglovin seems to be the way to go for me at the moment.

  2. Following :)
    This is why I switched to Wordpress. I hate how Google forces you to change things. No Google I do not want to use Google Circles or Google Plus!

    1. Im really tempted to switch to Wordpress but I need to research it a little more, I'm clueless ;)

  3. I'm Google+ all the way now. I agree with the comment that Google shouldn't force us to move but having said that, the communities on g+ are great.


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