Saturday, 13 July 2013

Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post (13th July)

Hi everyone!! thank-you so much for stopping by my blog today.

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba at Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
and Stacking the Shelves by Tynga at Tynga's Reviews

It's a chance to share what has happened the past week, showcase books and other bookish things we have received and talk about what is coming up on our blog.

The past week has been crazy with school holidays and sickness but I did get to read some really wonderful books. Next week is exciting because I start my part-time job and the kids return to school which they are thrilled about, me not so much.

The below books are what I have received over the past week, some I have already read and reviewed others I am really excited to start on.

(Clicking on the title will take you to Goodreads)

Received for Review

The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski
Avery (The Chronicles of Kaya #1) by Charlotte McConaghy
Of Triton (Of Poseidon #2) by Anna Banks

(Thank-you kindly to Random House Australia, Hardie Grant Egmont, Random House Australia - Netgalley)

The Edge of Never (The Edge of Never, #1) Avery (The Chronicles of Kaya #1) Of Triton (Of Poseidon, #2) 


Camp Boyfriend by J.K Rock

Camp Boyfriend (Camp Boyfriend, #1)

This past week

Reviews: Surrender Your Love & Conquer Your Love by J.C. Reed
Reviews: Slammed, Point of Retreat & This Girl
Waiting on Wednesday – Daughter of Chaos by Jen McConnel
Review: Killing Sarai (In the Company of Killers #1) by J.A. Redemerski

What bookish goodies did you receive this week?


  1. I've read The Edge of Never! I enjoyed it :-) Hope you enjoy your books this week!

  2. Yay for The Edge of Never! I hope you enjoy that book, Sharon! I read Camp Boyfriend last week and it was a good book. It ended up really surprising me.
    Anyways, I hope you enjoy your haul!

    Happy reading, Sharon!

  3. That girl on the cover of Avery looks like she's ready to rip someone's head off. It's very dramtic. I still need to read the Edge of Never. Nice haul and happy reading. :)

  4. Yay for Of Triton! I have the book as well, but haven't started it yet :( Hope you enjoy all your goodies!

  5. Of Triton was pretty good! Great haul :)
    -Scott Reads It!

  6. Great haul. The Edge of Never is one of my favorite books. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Andrew Parrish.

  7. I picked up "The Edge of Never' on NetGalley and I hope to get to it soon. I'm currently doing a Christmas in July thing so it will probably be August before I have time. Happy reading!

    Tsuki's STS

  8. I like the cover For Avery a lot. The Edge of Never has gotten a lot of good reviews. Check out my haul here:
    Moved the blog.

  9. I love the cover of Of Triton! It's so gorgeous - I love the guy (who doesn't?), the girl, and her hair. :P
    Enjoy all your lovely books! :D

    My STS

  10. Aww, Camp Boyfriend looks cute. I've heard really good things about The Edge of Never . . . also I love her hair :)

    Enjoy your goodies and happy reading!

  11. I picked up The Edge of Never as well this week and hope to get to it soon. Hopefully it's as good as everyone says it is! Great haul and have a great rest of the weekend (and week)!

  12. Of Triton is one that Rachel really liked! I hope you like it too! Happy reading.
    Our Week in Books @Libby Blog

  13. Nice haul, hun! I like the sound of Avery and am looking forward to it!

  14. Camp Boyfriend looks really good! Reminds me slightly of a Sarra Manning book I recently read :)

    Hope you enjoy all of your books!

    My Stacking the Shelves

    Charlie xx

  15. Great book haul! The Edge of Never is such a great book. I've been seeing some good reviews for Camp Boyfriend, too. Enjoy!

  16. I still need to read Of Poseidon. I am so jealous of the covers for Anna's books. They just look SO good.

    Happy reading, Sharon, and hope things slow down for you soon. :)

  17. Wonderful haul, especially the Edge of Never, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it:) Have a great week Sharon! The Sunday Post

  18. Nice haul! Avery looks interesting. Happy Reading!
    Here are my newest additions.


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