Friday, 16 May 2014

Review: The Warrior (Dante Walker #3) by Victoria Scott

The Warrior (Dante Walker, #3)The Warrior

Author: Victoria Scott
Series: Dante Walker
Pages: 352
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Release date: 6th May 2014

Synopsis. (Goodreads)

War between heaven and hell is coming, but Dante Walker makes it look damn good.

Dante’s girlfriend, Charlie, is fated to save the world. And Aspen, the girl who feels like a sister, is an ordained soldier. In order to help both fulfill their destiny and win the war, Dante must complete liberator training at the Hive, rescue Aspen from hell, and uncover a message hidden on an ancient scroll.

Dante is built for battle, but even he can’t handle the nightmares where spiders crawl from Aspen’s eyes, or the look on Charlie’s face that foretells of devastation. To make matters worse, the enemy seizes every opportunity to break inside the Hive and cripple the liberators. But the day of reckoning is fast approaching, and to stand victorious, Dante will have to embrace something inside himself he never has before—faith.

Review: 3 ½ out of 5 stars

I think by this stage, Dante Walker doesn’t need an introduction; The Warrior is the third book in the series and has left me feeling satisfied.

The Warrior picks up right where The Liberator ended and in it we have the perfect blend of romance, betrayal, action sequences and a few minor subplots thrown in to keep things entertaining but it didn’t come without some heartbreak and casualties; there were a few shock twists I wasn’t expecting but made things interesting. I enjoyed the details about the brewing war between heaven and hell, and seeing how Dante and Charlie with some great side characters went about renewing order – the build-up to this point has been satisfying but the conclusion was fabulous.

I have to admit, I love a bad boy but Dante has never really wowed me, I think my first impression of him in The Collector left a negative impression and he never truly redeemed himself; I do enjoy his self-assuredness and snark as well as his devotion to Charlie but he’s not a character I go gaga over.

Charlie on the other hand I think is fabulous! She has been through hell and back (literally) and still sees the good in everyone, as the series has progressed so too has Charlie’s strength and determination; she has a great attitude and knows how to handle Dante, which is a large feat in itself and one I would give her credit for.

Victoria Scott’s writing has certainly developed, her humour and dialogue is witty and consistent and when the scene calls for seriousness the mood reflects it, I have enjoyed learning about the Collectors and Liberators and the characters we have met over the course of the series have all grown and each have their own fascinating back-story and unique personality; I have enjoyed getting to know them all.

Overall, a wonderful conclusion to the series; The Warrior is filled with intrigue, action and a sweet romance. The final battle was written well and everything has been wrapped up nicely, a great ending.

Thank you kindly to Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to read and review The Warrior by Victoria Scott.


Victoria ScottAbout the author: Victoria Scott is a teen fiction writer represented by Sara Crowe. She's the author of the FIRE & FLOOD series published by Scholastic, and the DANTE WALKER trilogy published by Entangled Teen. Her books have been bought and translated in eleven foreign markets including the UK, Turkey, China, Poland, Germany, Australia, Israel, Taiwan, Brazil, New Zealand, and the Netherlands. Victoria lives in Dallas with her husband and hearts cotton candy something fierce.


  1. I always loved Dante. I so go for the funny, snarky guys so he worked for me. But I was not thrilled with this final book.

    1. I was satisfied with the ending but it didn't pack a punch or have the wow factor unfortunately for me.

  2. I wasn't the biggest fan of Dante either. I liked his wit and humor, but yeah, he wasn't a guy I swooned over either. Charlie has always been the one that I enjoyed too although she annoyed me a little in the last book. I'm glad that this book was a decent conclusion for you, Sharon. I have to check it out soon so I can finish the series.
    Lovely review, Sharon.

    1. Thanks Nick! I found Dante shallow and immature in the first book and he never really grew on me. I look forward to hearing what you think of this when you read it :-)


  3. Great review! I have enjoyed this series.

  4. Awesome review! Completely agree and love Victoria Scott's humor. Even with Fire & Flood, you can see glimpses of her own wit and banter included in her characters and it makes for a much more enjoyable read. I'm desperate to read this one now and see how the series ends. Thanks for sharing.


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