Sunday, 26 October 2014

I'm holidaying :-) some fabulous authors will be dropping by!

Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I will be away from the blog for the next few weeks; we are off to Orlando Disneyworld!! I have been preparing for this trip for so long now and the months leading up to this date were spent planning and plotting, it is our first BIG family vacation and the first international trip for the kids (the 19+ hour flight is going to be very interesting!).

The blog wont be abandoned though, there are some amazingly wonderful authors stopping by to share guest posts, interviews, excerpts and some fabulous giveaways so be sure to stop by to say hi! these are some of my fave authors so I can't thank them enough for taking the time to do this for me <3

I hope to be back to regular posting and commenting when I return!

Thank you for your continued friendship, support and for following.

Happy reading!!



  1. Ooh! That sounds like a lot of fun, Sharon! I hope you and your family have a good time. For the long flight duration, I would suggest taking something like Avomine (if you have it in Australia) because it helps a lot with traveling long distances. I personally take a pill every time I have to take 20 hour flights and I'm asleep for most of the duration, which I think is useful for kids!
    I'm excited to hear everything about your trip when you get back.

    1. Thanks Nick, we are having an amazing time so far! I'll definitely be buying Avomine for our return trip home, I had both kids sick unfortunately :-(

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you kindly! It's amazingly wonderful so far.

  3. Have an awesome time, and drink a drink for me :)

  4. Have fun, I'm super jealous! If I could live in Disneyland I totally would :)

    1. Hehe! I now know what you mean Nereyda, I could easily live here too (minus the crazy crowds) it's exhausting but so amazing.


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