
Tuesday 19 February 2013

Young Adult Author Spotlight - OPAL by Kristina Wojtaszek

I am pleased to be able to welcome Kristina Wojtaszek, YA/Fantasy author of OPAL to Obsession with Books.

Opal by Kristina WojtaszekAuthor: Kristina Wojtaszek
Pages: Novella – 112
Publisher: World Weaver Press
Release date: 18th December 2012
Amazon: Opal

About Opal: White as snow, stained with blood, her talons black as ebony… In this retwisting of the classic Snow White tale, the daughter of an owl is forced into human shape by a wizard who’s come to guide her from her wintry tundra home down to the colorful world of men and Fae, and the father she’s never known. She struggles with her human shape and grieves for her dead mother — a mother whose past she must unravel if men and Fae are to live peacefully together.
Trapped in a Fae-made spell, Androw waits for the one who can free him. A boy raised to be king, he sought refuge from his abusive father in the Fae tales his mother spun. And when it was too much to bear, he ran away, dragging his anger and guilt with him, pursuing shadowy trails deep within the Dark Woods of the Fae, seeking the truth in tales, and salvation in the eyes of a snowy hare. But many years have passed since the snowy hare turned to woman and the woman winged away on the winds of a winter storm leaving Androw prisoner behind walls of his own making—a prison that will hold him forever unless the daughter of an owl can save him.

Opal is available in trade paperback via Amazon, and digital edition via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, OmniLit, and other online retailers. You can also find Opal on Goodreads.

Kristina WojtaszekAbout the Author:

Kristina Wojtaszek grew up as a woodland sprite and mermaid, playing around the shores of Lake Michigan. At any given time she could be found with live snakes tangled in her hair and worn out shoes filled with sand. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Management as an excuse to spend her days lost in the woods with a book in hand. She currently resides in the high desert country of Wyoming with her husband and two small children. She is fascinated by fairy tales and fantasy and her favorite haunts are libraries and cemeteries. Follow her @KristinaWojtasz  or on her blog, Twice Upon a Time.

World Weaver Press is a publisher of fantasy, paranormal, science fiction, and more, dedicated to producing quality novels, novellas, collections, and anthologies. As a small press, World Weaver seeks to produce books that engage the mind and ensnare the story-loving soul.

Praise for Opal:

“A fairy tale within a fairy tale within a fairy tale — the narratives fit together like interlocking pieces of a puzzle, beautifully told.”
— Zachary Petit, Editor, Writer’s Digest

“Twists and turns and surprises that kept me up well into the night. Fantasy and fairy tale lovers will eat this up and be left wanting more!”
— Kate Wolford, Editor and Publisher, Enchanted Conversation


  1. This book sounds awesome! This is so going on my TBR list for when I get a little extra cash! Thanks so much for bring this book to my attention!

  2. Gorgeous cover! I first found WWP through Susan Abel Sullivan and have been really impressed with their books - this looks like one I'd enjoy, I love these little reworked fairy tales. :)

    1. Me too Barbara, I had seen this one floating around and it sounds quite interesting.

  3. OoO I love the cover and the I do love retellings. The synopsis has me intrigued!

    1. I have read a few retellings recently and they have been great so I am also intrigued by this one - I just wish my TBR pile wasn't so high ;)


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