
Tuesday 30 April 2013

ARC Review: Tremble (Denazen #3) by Jus Accardo

Tremble (Denazen, #3)Tremble

Author: Jus Accardo
Series: Denazen
Pages: 352
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Pre-order Amazon: Tremble
Release Date: 7th May 2013

Synopsis. (Goodreads)

Dez Cross has problems. She’s almost eighteen and on the verge of losing her mind thanks to the drug Denazen used to enhance her abilities. People close to her have turned their back on the underground and are now fighting for the wrong side. And then there’s Kale... Things couldn’t get any worse.

Until of course, they do. Denazen is about to start a new trial—this one called Domination—and it works. But that means out with the old and in with the new. The order has been given to terminate all remnants of the second trial—including Dez. The good news is that there’s a survivor from the original trial. A woman who’s blood may hold the cure for the second generation of Supremacy kid’s defect. But the underground Sixes aren’t the only ones who know about her

Cross is willing to throw everything he has to keep Dez from getting the cure—including the one thing that might tear her apart from the inside out.

Review: 5 out of 5 stars

Tremble by Jus Accardo is the third book in the Denazen series and is an amazing addition to this incredible story – it was a book which left me gaping on many occasions, there was betrayal, heartbreak, kick-butt action sequences and a sweet yet heart-wrenching romance.

It is difficult writing this review without revealing spoilers from the previous books so proceed with caution.

We know Kale is now unwillingly a part of the Denazen corporation and what he has been through there is devastating; the one person he has come to love is now a believed enemy and seeing him no longer recognise Dez was really difficult, his lethal abilities are now truly enhanced also as a result of a newly created drug. Despite the changes in Kale, I still adore him, there is an innocence and kindness about him that I have come to really love.

Dez was as stubborn, snarky and determined as ever but there is also vulnerability and real concern for those she is closest to, her future at this stage is looking quite uncertain but I have loved her character progression, she has really matured and come to be quite the lovable heroine.

Plot-wise, Tremble was action-packed and entertaining; the search to find the other Sixes who are slowly dropping off one by one and the constant avoidance of Denazen kept me thoroughly immersed in the story as did Dez’s task of trying to get Kale to remember who she was and which team he belonged on – not an easy task when she was also having to watch her own back with him.

Revisiting the cast of characters we have come to know and love is always a pleasure – I still despise Jade, I am liking Alex more and more, loving Brandt and the bad guys are pure evil! Kiernan is an utter #$!@ for what she has done to her sister and Cross’s agenda is twisted! In this installment you couldn’t really tell who could be trusted or not.

There are so many sacrifices, lies, and twists in Tremble that broke my heart, made me mad and left me emotionally drained; more questions are left unanswered and a few revelations were bewildering so I am really eager to get hold of the next installment.

Jus Accardo’s writing flows perfectly, the intense drama, heart stopping action scenes, rediscovery of a beautiful romance and intriguing storyline kept me flipping through the pages needing to know what was going to happen. This is definitely one of my favourite series and Jus Accardo is certainly on my auto-buy list.

Overall, I adore Dez and Kale and can’t help but hope for happiness and a Denazen free existence for them both – Tremble was an amazing addition to this series, filled with intense action scenes, fantastic world-building, unexpected twists and a wonderful cast of characters, it’s a series I can’t recommend highly enough.

Thank-you to Entangled Teen and Anjana for the opportunity to read and review Tremble.

About the author: Jus Accardo is the author of YA paranormal romance and urban fantasy fiction. 

A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald. 

Her first book, Touch, came out in November 2011 from Entangled Publishing. She is represented by Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.

Touch (Denazen, #1) Untouched (Denazen, #1.5) Toxic (Denazen, #2) Faceless (Denazen #2.5) 


  1. I REALLY want to read this series! I think I might have the first book, but I'm not sure. This is one that I want in paperback though, all those covers are just so eye catching! I know they are brown and black and stuff, but I'm just totally drawn to them! I'm glad to hear that you loved this one! I admit I skimmed your review, just wanting to know if you loved it but without spoilers for the earlier books. Sounds great!

    1. I love this series! I hope you get to read it Candace and enjoy it as much as I have. I quite like the covers as well :)

  2. Yay! I love this series so much. It's one of those series that never fails to impress me. Kale had to go through so much in this book. But even after he was brainwashed, he remained his adorable self. Wasn't Kiernan a piece of work? She drove me nuts. Jade was so much more bearable in this book because she is mostly absent! :P
    Great review, Sharon! So happy that you loved it too! :)


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