
Tuesday 16 April 2013

Review: Imaginable (Intangible #2) by J. Meyers

Imaginable (Intangible, #2)IMAGINABLE

Author: J. Meyers
Series: Intangible
Pages: 342
Genre: Young Adult
Publisher: Self
Amazon: Imaginable (Available 16th April 2013)

Synopsis. (Goodreads)

Twins Sera and Luke Raine’s unusual abilities are growing. Sera is healing vampires now, making them human again. And, at times, Luke can actually change the future he Sees.

But Sera’s healing has dangerous consequences, and though Luke is altering the outcome of more visions, he can’t control them yet.

Now Sera is in danger as the dark creatures of the Realm seek to use her. As Luke struggles to master his gift in order to save his sister, he discovers even more about his powers. 

And what he learns just may put him in greater danger than Sera has ever been.

You can read an excerpt OF Imaginable on J. Meyers website HERE

Review: 4 1/2 out of 5 stars

Imaginable is the second book in the Intangible series and was kindly provided to me by the author in exchange for my honest review.

I thoroughly enjoyed diving back into the supernatural world J. Meyers has created and revisiting the characters that I grew to like and appreciate from the first book, twins Sera and Luke Raine.

We learn in book one that Luke is a seer and has visions of what is going to happen in the future and Sera is a healer.  Both of the twins understand more about their abilities now and we see further character progression in Imaginable but with knowledge of what they can do also come with consequences and puts them in greater danger with others seeking to use them for their own nefarious purposes. They can handle themselves well but at times both of them seemed to rush head first into things without fully thinking things through which at times drove me batty!

The plot was fast paced and action-packed, poor Sera couldn’t really catch a break and seemed to be the twin everyone wanted; her ability is one which is sought-after by seemingly every supernatural creature so her safety in this book was a focus for a few other characters; Fey still takes her role extremely seriously and Jonas played the protector role well, I absolutely adore this smexy, tortured, extremely loyal vampire; I liked that we get to see the POV’s from Luke, Sera, Fey and Jonas.

The secondary cast of characters are wonderful, I was a big fan of a Fey/Luke relationship in the first book and things have progressed which I really liked; I also love the interaction between Jonas and Sera, the banter and dialogue between all of them is written really well. We also meet a few new characters, I can honestly say I am now a fan of Thorn; I loved his wit and honesty.

I was once again pulled into this captivating story, Ms Meyers writing was entertaining and had me engrossed from the very first page,  she has a delightful way with words and I adored the vivid imagery, especially of the realms and the creatures which inhabited them such as gnomes, goblins and shadows which proved to be the real threat.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Imaginable, the detailed and creative world Meyers has crafted is mesmerising and I am eager to see what is to come of the prophecy and the new breed of Vampire/Human hybrid in the next installment, I am also eager to see more progression with the romance aspect.

Intuition (Intangible, #0.5) Indomitable (Intangible, #0.75) Intangible (Intangible, #1) Imaginable (Intangible, #2) 

About the author: J. Meyers grew up in Vermont, spent three years in Germany when she was a kid, and now lives in Central New York. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s chasing after her four kids, exploring the outdoors with her family, baking sweet treats, and forgetting to make dinner.  She is the author of Intangible, Imaginable, and the companion novella Indomitable.


  1. I'm so glad I just added both of these to my TBR at Goodreads! I love your review, it's gone into great detail about all of the things I know I'd love and not like about the book (mostly love!). My TBR pile is going to collapse and kill me one of these days, even if it's just on my Kindle. ;)

    Terrific review!

    1. Thanks Barbara! These books are great, I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

      My TBR pile is crazy!! It never seems to shrink ;)

  2. I'll be reading both of these soon for a blog tour. So glad to hear good things! Great review!!

    1. Thanks Toni! I'll definitely be following along in the blog tour.

  3. I hope to get to this one soon, I loved INTANGIBLE so much and I'm excited to continue Luke and Sera's story to see what they have coming next.

    1. It just gets better Andrea, I hope you enjoy Imaginable! :) can't wait for your review.


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