
Tuesday 23 April 2013

Review: Mortality (The Hitchhiker Strain #1) by Kelly Sheridan


Author: Kellie Sheridan
Series: The Hitchhiker Strain
Pages: 271
Genre: Young Adult
Publisher: Snarky Books
Amazon: Mortality
Release Date: 19th March 2013

Synopsis. (Goodreads)

After surviving a deadly plague outbreak, sixteen-year-old Savannah thought she had lived through the very worst of human history. There was no way to know that the miracle vaccine would put everyone at risk for a fate worse than un-death. 

Now, two very different kinds of infected walk the Earth, intent on nothing but feeding and destroying what little remains of civilization. When the inoculated are bitten, infection means watching on in silent horror as self-control disappears and the idea of feasting on loved ones becomes increasingly hard to ignore. 

Starving and forced to live inside of the abandoned high school, all Savannah wants is the chance to fight back. When a strange boy arrives with a plan to set everything right, she gets her chance. Meeting Cole changes everything. Mere survival will never be enough.

Review: 4 out of 5 stars

I have wanted to read Mortality by Kellie Sheridan since I first glimpsed the wonderfully intriguing cover, its one of my favourites in YA - I initially thought it was about one normal girl who had been turned into a zombie but I was very wrong; it was action-packed, fast-paced, unique and really interesting right from the very first page, I was riveted by the plot and fascinating characters.

Mortality is told from alternating POV’s, Savannah and Zarah, both wonderful characters surviving through the zombie apocalypse but Savannah’s story was the one I found I was personally more invested in and was the stronger character.

Sixteen year-old Savannah was kick-butt, loyal and stubborn! She was fiercely determined and adamant to help out in any way she possibly could, she stood strong and held her ground in the most tense situations and handled herself really well.

Zarah’s story is important to the overall story arc and gave us interesting insight into the life of a zombie and how the virus which had wiped out so many affects a person, I liked her as a character before she was turned and really sympathised with her after as well – we get two types of zombies in this book, the completely dead kind and infected Z's who are fast moving and can actually still think for themselves.

The world Ms. Sheridan has given us is disturbing and the zombies gruesome to read about but also fascinating because of their intelligence; you can't help but feel empathy for what the humans had been turned into and for what had happened to the world they were now living in.

With an action-packed plot and even pacing, I was engrossed in Ms Sheridan’s storytelling and captivating writing,  I have to admit, zombies are my least favourite paranormal creature to read about, they have never appealed to me – at all, but I thoroughly enjoyed Kellie Sheridan’s take on the whole concept, it was written in a way that actually made me feel quite sympathetic towards these beings and not at all repelled by what they were, how they came to be I found to be quite interesting; the world-building was strong.

Romance is definitely not at the forefront of the story but it is there between Savannah and Cole and Zarah and Liam, both relationships were developed in a way which was believable and realistic. I liked both of the love interests but really felt sorry for poor Liam - getting glimpses of romance gave what would normally feel like a morose story the sense of normalcy which definitely was not the case in their current predicaments but it was nice to see that there was hope.

The ending came as quite the surprise so I am definitely eager to read the next book in The Hitchhiker Strain series, Duality which has an anticipated December 2013 release date.

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed Mortality; the world-building was strong, the characters lovable and Kellie Sheridan’s writing crisp and engaging. It was a great take on zombies and I was satisfied by how the story played out.

Thank-you to Kellie Sheridan for providing me with a copy of Mortality in exchange for my honest review.

End Dayz (The Hitchhiker Strain, #0.5) Mortality


  1. I've never heard of this book before but I love your review. It got me very excited. I'm going through a reading slump so maybe this book is what I need to get me out of it. I love the sound of the characters and I love that it was more than you expected.
    Fab review, Sharon! :)

    1. Aww Nick, I've hit a slump as well; nothing is appealing to me at all at the moment & I feel I'm getting one good book out of 5.

      This book was interesting and for someone who doesn't like zombies at all, I quite liked the concept,

      I hope you are out of your slump soon :-)

  2. I would have thought it was about one girl who was turned into a zombie too. I never thought I'd be interested in zombie books until Lia Habel's Dearly, Departed, but this sounds like something that's just as unusual - I love that there are some thinking zombies mixed in. You have me completely intrigued!

    I adore the name of the publisher - for that alone, I'll have to look this one up. ;)

    1. I haven't heard of Dearly, Departed so I'll have to give it a try :-) I don't like reading about zombies but I'm pleased I read this - the cover sucked me in.

      I hadn't even noticed the publishers name (oops), it is pretty cool!

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one! I helped with the cover reveal and have been thinking I need to try to find a spot to slip it in and give it a read. I'm not a big zombie fan, but there have been a few that I ended up enjoying. Fantastic review!

    1. Thanks Candace, I participated in the reveal as well & I've wanted to get hold of it ever since & I'm so pleased I did :-) it was definitely unlike a few other zombie books I have read.


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