
Wednesday 22 May 2013

Review: Haze (Rephaim #2) by Paula Weston

Haze (The Rephaim, #2)Haze

Author: Paula Weston
Series: The Rephaim
Genre: Young Adult - Paranormal
Pages: 384
Publisher: Text Publishing
Buy links – Amazon: TBD

My review of Shadows

Synopsis. (Goodreads)

"But what if we can’t find Jude?" 
He leans closer. His breath is warm on my ear. "We will."
"How can you be so sure?" I want to believe him so badly, but this is Rafa. The guy who’s all action and no plan. His smile is tired, knowing. An echo of a shared past I don’t remember. 
"Because I’m not smart enough to give up, and you don’t know how to." 

Gaby Winters’ nightmares have stopped but she still can’t remember her old life. Still can’t quite believe she is one of the Rephaim—the wingless half-angels who can shift from place to place, country to country, in the blink of an eye. That she was once the Rephaim’s best fighter. That demons exist. That Rafa has stayed. 

But most of all, she can’t quite believe that her twin brother, Jude, might be alive. 

And Gaby can’t explain the hesitancy that sidetracks the search for him, infuriates Rafa, and sends them, again, into the darkest danger.

Reviews: 5 out 5 Stars

This review contains possible spoilers from book one, Shadows.

What an amazing sequel in this gripping Angel/Demon series by Paula Weston! As soon as I finished Shadows, I started on Haze and literally devoured it in one sitting I adored it that much.

In book one, Gaby Winters learnt she was part of the Rephaim, offspring of the fallen angels and her memory was wiped a year prior by someone not yet known. They have also worked out that if she is alive that her twin, Jude could also be out there somewhere in a similar situation to her own.

Gaby is such a likeable character, she’s snarky, stubborn, resilient and brave; she also shows a more vulnerable side in this book which threw me back a bit, she voiced her fears and despite the fact she was still learning tidbits of her past she faced everything head on.

Rafa is still evasive and mysterious, he is reckless and cocky which I have come to love about him, he is also extremely protective of Gaby and I’m still curious about what happened between them pre memory wipe; their chemistry is intense and I love the banter and spark between them.

The angel mythology is interesting and still refreshingly unique, and the plot has progressed although the mystery at the heart of the book is still there keeping me hooked and wanting to know what has happened or will happen; and I love how Gaby is starting to embrace what she is and hasn’t chosen a side – outcasts or the sanctuary; she is looking out for herself and pursuing her search for Jude and her missing memories which I appreciate.

We are still learning about the secondary characters, I adore Maggie’s strength and support and Jason is wonderful but still a bit of a mystery, he seems to leak bits and pieces of what he knows according to circumstance, I’m unsure if he has a personal agenda but it feels that way. Ez is a sweetheart as is Daisy; Mya and Taya grate on my nerves!

Paul Weston is certainly going to be an auto-buy author for me, her writing is detailed and mesmerising, you are drawn into the story she has created and the world-building just gets better and better.

Overall, Haze is an impressive sequel, filled with some kick-butt action-scenes, perfect characterisations and a mesmerising storyline that gets better and better, I’m more than eager to get hold of the next book in this amazing series.

Paula WestonAbout the author: 

Paula Weston lives in Brisbane with her husband, a retired greyhound and a moody cockatiel. She reads widely, and is addicted to paranormal stories. Shadows, book one of the Rephaim series, is her first novel.


  1. I haven't read the first book but i've heard a lot of praise for it. The story sounds really good and it's nice to know that you enjoyed it so much. Great insight!

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

    1. Thanks Ellie, I am honestly not a fan of angel books at all but I am loving this series so much :) I can't wait for book 3.

  2. This sounds like a great series. I haven't seen it before either. :) Angel mythology is always interesting. Wonderful review.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

    1. Thanks Jenea, I only found out about it recently and I am so glad I did, I'm loving it! :)

  3. I love the sound of Gabby..need to pick up this series. Wonderful review Sharon

    1. It's fabulous Kimba! I hope you get a chance to read it x


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