
Thursday 3 September 2015

Review: Chasing Nikki by Lacey Weatherford

Chasing Nikki (Chasing Nikki, #1)Chasing Nikki

Author: Lacey Weatherford
Series: Chasing Nikki
Pages: 322
Publisher: Moonstruck Media
Release date: 29th February 2012

Synopsis: (Goodreads) Chase Walker used to be a good kid-charming, athletic, and with a bright future ahead, but that was before travesty struck his life, sinking him into deep despair. Caught up in a world of drugs and alcohol, he doesn't notice time slipping away until he's arrested for underage drinking one night. Fed up with watching her son destroy his life, Chase's mom relocates him to live in a small ranching community with his ex-military grandfather. Chase is far from happy about the situation until he meets, Nikki, the cute cheerleader who won't give football players like him the time of day. Chase enjoys a good challenge though and sets out to claim Nikki for his own. He soon discovers she's more than a pretty face-she's a balm to his troubled spirit also. But when tragedy strikes Nikki's life too, suddenly Chase finds himself put to the ultimate test. Can he trust Nikki, and all that she's taught him? Will it be enough?

Review: 2 out of 5 stars

Unfortunately this book didn’t work out for me; it started off quite promising but it just went downhill and by the end of it I was quite detached.

Chase Walker is on a downward spiral and has been since his father’s death, his mum puts an end to his partying ways when he is arrested and she makes the decision to move in with Chase’s grandparents much to his annoyance but things soon pick up when he makes some friends and meets Nikki but his mind wonders to his urges for drugs and drink.

Nikki is a popular cheerleader who has sworn off bad boys like Chase but he wears her down and she gives him a chance. I felt the romance was a little rushed, he was persistent, she was resistant and then all of a sudden they are an item. There were many cheesy moments that had me rolling my eyes, it could have been perfect but they were a little too full-on.

Chase had his witty moments, Nikki was sweet but I really liked Chase’s new friend (I can’t remember his name). I’m not sure where things are heading with Brittany.

Told from Chase’s POV which I enjoyed, we get to see how emotionally broken he was and how Nikki and his family helped him to cope; I quite liked his grandparents; especially his strict ex-military grandpa.

Whilst this book wasn’t for me, it was still written well and Chase’s problems were dealt with in a realistic way.

Chasing Nikki has loss, tragedy, guilt and a twist I completely didn’t expect. The ending shocked me and despite being curious about what will happen next for Chase I unfortunately won’t continue with this series.

I think I may be in the minority in my opinion of this book; many people seem to love it so please check out other reviews - Goodreads.

Quote: “So stop looking at the past and all the things you can’t change. They’re done and over with. Now is the time for you to look to the future, grasp it by the hand, and decide where you want to go. I told you once before, and I’ll say it again—this is your life, Chase. Only you can decide what it’s going to be like. Don’t let outside forces dictate it for you.”


  1. Yea, I've had troubles with books like this as well. I loved your balanced review! Although I also don't think it is for me, you still have me curious. :)

  2. Ah too bad, sometimes stories don't click with us. I appreciated the breakdown review :)


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