
Tuesday 17 November 2015

Review: Rogue (Relentless #3) by Karen Lynch

Rogue (Relentless #3)Author: Karen Lynch
Series: Relentless
Pages: 418
Publisher: Self
Release date: 27th October 2015

Synopsis (Goodreads) - Sara Grey is done hiding and done being afraid. The Master thinks he has her running scared, but she’s taking matters into her own hands and taking her life back. With the help of her friends, she sets out to find the one person who can answer her questions about her past, and who may be able to lead them to the Master.

On her journey, Sara faces new challenges and dangers, and learns that the world of good and evil is not as clear cut as she had believed. She makes new friends, unexpected allies, and reconnects with people from her past. As her powers continue to change and grow, she transforms from a struggling girl into a strong young warrior.

But at what cost? How much is Sara willing to sacrifice in her need for independence and her quest for the truth? And will her newfound strength be enough to save her and the people she loves when she finally comes face-to-face with her powerful nemesis? Nothing could have prepared her for what is to come, and it will take everything in her to survive the final test of courage and love.

Review: 5 out of 5 stars

The Relentless series has most definitely made it to my list of favourites, with the wonderful, witty cast of characters, amazing story progression and a swoon-worthy romance, I am sad to see it come to an end.

Rogue picks up where Refuge left off; Sara has left the compound and has set out to find her mother to hopefully gather information on the Master, her powerful nemesis location.

The characters continue to progress in this series, I have always admired Sara for her independence and the way she fiercely protects others and it was no different in this book. Nikolas was wonderful in Rogue, he was still quite broody but didn’t show as much dominance as he has previously, Sara and Nikolas came to work together well and complimented one another as a couple, I have thoroughly enjoyed how their relationship has progressed, I loved the swoon worthy smexy moments.

The plot continued to progress and we see the Mohiri faced with a number of challenges but they also found some new friends along their journey and reconnected with a number of others in their search for the truth. There was a nice blend of action, mystery and romance to balance the story overall.

The side characters are all fabulous! I especially loved Jordan, Chris and Desmund and it is always nice to see what is going on with Roland and Peter; I’d love for Roland to have his own book. The villain was a huge surprise! I couldn’t have guessed it at all so I appreciated the element of surprise.

I did find the pacing at times slower than the first two books; mainly in the endless search for Madeline and the training sessions but it didn’t deter from my enjoyment of the book. I liked the change of setting and also the additional information we receive about the Vampires and Mohiri, it all came together nicely to make for an entertaining conclusion to the series.

Overall, Rogue exceeded all my expectations; it was a gripping page-turner that leaves you on the edge of your seat anticipating the characters actions and reactions and more often than not guessing completely wrong about what they would be. 

I am most excited to read more books written by Karen Lynch.

Karen  LynchAbout the authorKaren Lynch grew up in Newfoundland, Canada - a place rich in colorful people and folklore to which she attributes her love of the supernatural and her vivid imagination. She moved to Charlotte, North Carolina years ago and was immediately charmed by the southern people but she says she will always be a newfie.

Though she loves supernatural fiction, she has a soft spot for Charlotte Brontë and Jane Austin. She is a fan of classic rock, country and classical music but her favorite music is the sound of a good thunderstorm or a howling blizzard. Two of her favorite past times are baking artisan breads for her friends and spending quality time with her two German Shepherds.

A voracious reader, she fell in love with books and writing at an early age and it grew into a lifelong passion. Relentless is her first published work and she hopes it is the first of many. 

Relentless (Relentless, #1) Refuge (Relentless #2) Rogue (Relentless #3)

1 comment:

  1. I love that even the secondary characters have depth and personality. Wahoo for a strong middle book with growth and plot advancement


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