
Monday 14 March 2016

Blog Hiatus

Hi everyone!

As some of you may have noticed, I haven’t been as active on my blog lately; my enthusiasm levels and the time I have hasn’t left me with a lot of blogging, commenting or reading time unfortunately and I am feeling a little detached from the blogging community at the moment.

It all started last year, I was working full-time hours as a fill-in on a maternity leave contract (I’m now thankfully back to my regular part-time hours), I had pleurisy (boy was that fun!) and then we had Christmas, New Year and the kiddies on six weeks school holidays – I really lost my motivation plus I feel quite disconnected from the blogging community at the moment; I’m not a huge fan of social media for my blog since I do it as a hobby and it can be a little disheartening when your blogging friends don’t notice your absence and of course I don’t blog for comments but I have to admit it is something that I do appreciate and try to reciprocate, I at times feel like a bit of a loner (woe is me moment ;-) ).

So, I’ve decided that I’m going to take a bit more of a break to get back into my reading, tackle my ARC pile, catch up on and schedule reviews and come back when I am nice and refreshed, I’m not sure when that will be but I’m hoping that it’s before my 5 year blogoversary in March.

I would like to thank everyone for your continued support and the time that you take to stop by and read my posts, I do really appreciate this – your visits make my day; I hope to come back refreshed and with new posts and fresh ideas. It's my time to recharge my blogging batteries and come back to doing something that I started off loving.

Xx Sharon


  1. I'm sorry to hear that you have felt out of touch from social media, Sharon, but I understand. You definitely had a lot on your plate and I understand what it feels like to be unmotivated. :( I hope the break helps you find your mojo though and you'll come back to us in full swing.
    Hugs to you! <3

  2. I did notice you were MIA, and figured life got in the way. Sometimes we all need breaks. Are we friends on Facebook? I no you aren't a fan of social media..but friend me if you like

  3. Take care of yourself. That's the most important thing you can do.

  4. I think a break is the best option when you aren't feeling motivated to blog. I've done a few in the past few years and I always feel better when I come back. I double checked your blog on bloglovin to make sure you were still there since bl has been following blogs for me.

    Hope you have dun on your break and read some good books, or no books at all!


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