
Tuesday 20 September 2016

Review: Olivia Decoded (Olivia Twisted #2) by Vivi Barnes

Olivia Decoded (Olivia Twisted, #2)Author: Vivi Barnes
Series: Olivia Twisted
Publisher / Source: Entangled Teen
Release date: 6th September 2016
Pages: 320

Synopsis (Goodreads)

This isn’t my Jack, who once looked at me like I was his world. The guy who’s occupied the better part of my mind for eight months.

This is Z, criminal hacker with a twisted agenda and an arsenal full of anger.

I’ve spent the past year trying to get my life on track. New school. New friends. New attitude. But old flames die hard, and one look at Jack—the hacker who enlisted me into his life and his hacking ring, stole my heart, and then left me—and every memory, every moment, every feeling comes rushing back. But Jack’s not the only one who’s resurfaced in my life. And if I can’t break through Z’s defenses and reach the old Jack, someone will get hurt…or worse.

Review: 4 out of 5 stars

I was quite intrigued by the Olivia Decoded blurb so I was eager to read it, unknowing that it was the second book in this series (oops). I never at any time felt confused or lost as enough background information was given to fill in the blanks.

After the events that took place in the first book, Olivia is now living with her grandfather, attending a private school and living a life of privilege; she has left her old foster family life behind – including Jack ‘Z’ but when she starts to receive gifts that include expensive jewellery, she starts to question the sender and whether Jack and her past has returned.

Jack is a criminal hacker along with a foster family of teens that are trying to keep a low profile and start afresh but he isn’t finding the change easy, especially without Liv but he easily slots back into her life despite their differences to help her find her mysterious stalker, especially when clues start to point his way.

The characters were great, Olivia is a determined and resilient young woman whose computer skills and her desire to find a place where she fits in make her seem vulnerable, her inner monologue was quite sad. Jack was a conflicted character, he has suffered loss and can’t see a life away from hacking despite his potential; I enjoyed their interactions and the way that they complimented one another.

This book was light on the hacking and romance and focused on the mystery surrounding the cryptic gifts, roses and events surrounding Liv; to be honest I was completely clueless about who was behind it all and in the end I was wrong in my guesses.

The book is very well written, I was glued to the pages right from the beginning; I was engrossed in the story-line and thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the characters. I will definitely be reading more books by Viv Barnes.

Thank you to Entangled Teen via Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review Olivia Decoded.

Vivi BarnesAbout the author: Vivi Barnes was raised on a farm in East Texas where her theater-loving mom and cowboy dad gave her a unique perspective on life. Now living in the magic and sunshine of Orlando, Florida, she divides her time writing, working, goofing off with her husband and three kids, and avoiding dirty dishes.

Find her on her blogs: and

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Check out for the Olivia Twisted official trailer!

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