
Monday 14 August 2017

Review: Our Broken Pieces by Sarah White

Our Broken PiecesOur Broken Pieces

Author: Sarah White
Publisher: HarperTeen
Genre: Young adult
Pages: 288
Release date: 8th August 2017

Synopsis (Goodreads): From Wattpad phenom Sarah White comes a steamy teen romance about one girl’s quest to find herself after a traumatic breakup.

The only thing worse than having your boyfriend dump you is having him dump you for your best friend. For Everly Morgan the betrayal came out of nowhere. One moment she had what seemed like the perfect high school relationship, and the next, she wanted to avoid the two most important people in her life. Every time she sees them kiss in the hallways her heart breaks a little more.

The last thing on Everly’s mind is getting into another relationship, but when she meets Gabe in her therapist’s waiting room she can’t deny their immediate connection. Somehow he seems to understand Everly in a way that no one else in her life does, and maybe it’s because Gabe also has experience grappling with issues outside of his control. Just because they share so many of the same interests and there is an undeniable spark between them doesn’t mean Everly wants anything more than friendship. After all, when you only barely survived your last breakup, is it really worth risking your heart again?

Review: 3 out of 5 stars

Our MC is eighteen year-old Everly Morgan who is in her senior year of high school; everything for her was seemingly perfect until she caught her long-time boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend. As a result, Everly is sent to a therapist to help overcome her heartache and to also treat her anxiety; it is here that she meets Gabe who was there to see his own therapist.

Break-ups are always hard but Everly is finding it extremely tough as she has lost the two most important people in her life, their relationship is also being flaunted in front of her on a daily basis at school; her other friends are also taking sides so she is more or less dealing with everything alone until her weekly therapy appointments end up being the start of a new friendship for her with Gabe.

Gabe and Everly’s relationship seemed effortless, they knew each other’s problems so nothing was avoided or hidden, they shared a connection and a trust that slowly began to develop into something more. I enjoyed the romance aspect and despite Everly dwelling on her loss at the beginning we really saw her strengthen as a character as the book progressed.

I enjoyed the characters interactions; Everly with her family, her therapist, with Gabe and also with his sister who has her own personal struggles. I felt the author dealt with the problems very well.

What I didn’t like was the abrupt ending, I felt like more was needed; an epilogue would have been ideal but there was nothing; it put a dampener on the overall book where it ended for me unfortunately.

Despite this, I did enjoy Our Broken Pieces and the authors writing style and will definitely read more books written by her.

Thank you to HarperTeen via Edelweiss for the opportunity to read and review Our Broken Pieces.


  1. That must be the worst feeling in the world, to lose your boyfriend to your best friend. :'( This book sounds like a slightly tough one to read, but hopefully one that I would like. I do like books where the boy and girl sort through their issues together, that sort of thing. Thanks for the review!

    Cass @ Words on Paper

  2. Ouch, it definitely can't easy being dumped for your best friend at all, and I would hate to be in that situation entirely... A shame about the ending! This one sounds decent but I'm still not sure it is for me...


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