
Saturday 11 November 2017

Review: Trust by Kylie Scott

Author: Kylie Scott
Publisher: Self
Release date: 18th July 2017
Genre: YA/NA contemporary
Pages: 382

Synopsis: Being young is all about the experiences: the first time you skip school, the first time you fall in love…the first time someone holds a gun to your head.

After being held hostage during a robbery at the local convenience store, seventeen-year-old Edie finds her attitude about life shattered. Unwilling to put up with the snobbery and bullying at her private school, she enrolls at the local public high school, crossing paths with John. The boy who risked his life to save hers.

While Edie’s beginning to run wild, however, John’s just starting to settle down. After years of partying and dealing drugs with his older brother, he’s going straight—getting to class on time, and thinking about the future.

An unlikely bond grows between the two as John keeps Edie out of trouble and helps her broaden her horizons. But when he helps her out with another first—losing her virginity—their friendship gets complicated.

Meanwhile, Edie and John are pulled back into the dangerous world they narrowly escaped. They were lucky to survive the first time, but this time they have more to lose—each other.

Review: 3 out of 5 stars

Trust is a book that took me by surprise, after reading the synopsis I was eager to delve into this book which was raw and real with likeable characters and an interesting story-line.

Our MC’s are John Cole and Edie Millen, complete opposites but bought together by a traumatic event which affected them both. When Edie has enough of her private school life she moves to the local public school and again meets up with John.

These characters share a connection, John understands what Edie is going through emotionally and vice versa; they support one another and get what each are feeling, they are both needing support and rely on one another to get through each day.

Edie wasn’t your typical YA heroine, not stick figure perfect or popular but she was kind-hearted and strong, the way that she dealt with the event was very different to John's response to it all; I really liked John – he had his issues and has made mistakes but he was working through them and trying to be a better person.

The story-line in a nutshell is about Edie and John being held up in a convenience store, their feelings and the way they deal with what happened to them and the aftermath and their growing friendship and feelings towards one another.

What let it down for me was I found the plot to be unclear and inconsistent at times, there was a lot happening. The pacing started off at a rapid pace but throughout the rest of the book it was varied; I also found the ending to be quite rushed.

Overall, I enjoyed Kylie Scott’s writing style and the way she dealt with serious issues, I also liked her interesting characters but the points above did let it down for me.

Thank you to Kylie Scott via Netgalley for the opportunity to read Trust.

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