Saturday 4 June 2011

REVIEW: Magic Slays (Kate Daniels #5) by Ilona Andrews

Author: Ilona Andrews
Series: Kate Daniels
Pages: 308
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Ace


Plagued by a war between magic and technology, Atlanta has never been so deadly. Good thing Kate Daniels is on the job.

Kate Daniels may have quit the Order of Merciful Aid, but she’s still knee-deep in paranormal problems. Or she would be if she could get someone to hire her. Starting her own business has been more challenging than she thought it would be—now that the Order is disparaging her good name, and many potential clients are afraid of getting on the bad side of the Beast Lord, who just happens to be Kate’s mate.

So when Atlanta’s premier Master of the Dead calls to ask for help with a vampire on the loose, Kate leaps at the chance of some paying work. Turns out this is not an isolated incident, and Kate needs to get to the bottom of it—fast, or the city and everyone dear to her might pay the ultimate price . 

REVIEW: 5 out of 5 stars

Wow, wow and wow! I knew there was a reason why I love Ms Andrews and her wonderful protagonists Kate & Curran; A fantastic addition to a brilliant series.

Magic Slays in the 5th Book in the Kate Daniels series and starts off 2 months after Magic Bleeds, Kate is officially the Beast-lord Curran’s consort and running her own agency 'Cutting Edge Investigations', she seems to have more control over her life and relationships and is gaining more trust and respect from the 1500+ shifters she now helps to oversee.

Business is slow for Kate; her reputation isn’t all that stellar since her departure from The Order so when she is hired by a former member of The Red Guard, she can’t really afford to turn down the offer, even though she questions the motives behind finding an inventor and the device he has created.

I love Kate’s investigative skills; the result always seemed to end with a fight and in blood shed.
When she finds out the destruction and harm the device could potentially cause, we see Kate, Curran, the shifters as well as other powerful factions trying to put a stop to a secret society known as the Lighthouse Keepers; a group hell-bent on unleashing the device which could put an end to all beings holding any form of magic; I never tire of seeing them plan and act out the suitable punishment to those who try to harm them.

The action was non-stop and kept me riveted; I couldn’t put the book down, the battles scenes are detailed, gritty and had me frantically turning the pages to see what would happen next.

In this installment, we also see someone very dear to Kate being bitten and infected with Lyc-V with all chances of going loup so it is up to Kate and her powerful blood and magic to try and find a cure to save this person (I won’t reveal who it is).

I loved the further development in Kate and Curran’s relationship, he is still possessive and controlling and she is still doubting why he is with her and whether it could be for his own purpose but they respect one another's thoughts and opinions and reluctantly support each other in their roles; I had my doubts about how their relationship would pan out now they are more or less married with Kate living in the keep but I think it has actually improved and bought them closer. Their relationship seems very real, they get annoyed at one another, they argue and pick fights, but at the end of the day, they make a decision to try and make it work; this book shows how strong their love for one another is. The offer he gave her to protect her against Roland was extremely sweet and I think I adored him that little bit more for his loyalty to her. It’s always fun to read their witty banter and snarky dialogue.   

We learn more about Kate’s mother Kalina, Voran and Roland; she was certainly blindsided by the information she received, there didn’t seem to be anyone from her past she could count on or trust. She is the biological by-product of a megalomaniac and a woman who magically brainwashed others into doing her will, I really felt sorry for Kate.

I absolutely adore the secondary characters but where was Raphael? I missed him and I really hope there is a HEA for him & Andrea, I wish there were more scenes with Jim and Dali didn’t make an appearance. I love ‘boy wonder’ Derek & 'sex fiend' Ascanio is growing on me. The dialogue between all characters never ceases to amaze me, always witty and Kate’s responses always smart and logical.

The world Ms Andrews has created is wonderful! I am constantly fascinated by the details, her writing is solid and the characters perfectly thought out, I have read books 1-4 over and over again and never tire of them, I’m sure I’ll be doing the same with this one.

The emotion in this book is strong; there is drama, action, romance, pain and betrayal, the list is endless. I loved everything about it, from the first to the very last page.

A quality, enjoyable and action-packed read which was truly worth the wait. I cannot wait to see what happens in the next book, I am so anxious to see Kate confront her father.

Books in order:

1. Magic Bites
2. Magic Burns
3. Magic Strikes
4. Magic Bleeds
5. Magic Slays


  1. I chose your blog for an award. Check it out here:

  2. Ms. Andrews sounds amazing! Awesome review.

  3. I have not read this series, but based on your review perhaps I should pick it up!

    Andrea @ Reading Lark

  4. I just got the first book in this series. Looking forward to digging in!

  5. Thank-you, I adore this series! Definitely one of my faves.

    Rebecca: It is greatly appreciated, thank-you :)

  6. I've seen this series pop up heaps lately that I'm now curious. Do you reckon they be read as stand alones or better to start at book 1?

  7. Hi Tyraa.

    I would definitely start with book 1, you would be missing out on a lot of back-story with the characters, relationships, magical factions etc. if you weren't to start from the beginning.

    Kate & Curran are awesome together :) I have only just sold my copy of Magic Bites otherwise I could have sent it to you.


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