
Saturday 29 December 2012

Review: Hopeless by Colleen Hoover

Author: Colleen Hoover
Series: -
Pages: 391
Genre: New Adult
Publisher: Self
Amazon: Hopeless

Contact Colleen Hoover - Website / Twitter / Facebook

Synopsis. (Goodreads)

Sometimes discovering the truth can leave you more hopeless than believing the lies…

That’s what seventeen-year-old Sky realizes after she meets Dean Holder. A guy with a reputation that rivals her own and an uncanny ability to invoke feelings in her she’s never had before. He terrifies her and captivates her all in the span of just one encounter, and something about the way he makes her feel sparks buried memories from a past that she wishes could just stay buried.

Sky struggles to keep him at a distance knowing he’s nothing but trouble, but Holder insists on learning everything about her. After finally caving to his unwavering pursuit, Sky soon finds that Holder isn’t at all who he’s been claiming to be. When the secrets he’s been keeping are finally revealed, every single facet of Sky’s life will change forever.

Review: 5 out of 5 stars

Hopeless is the first book I have read by author, Colleen Hoover although her Slammed series has been on my radar for quite some time. I have to admit I wasn’t prepared at all for the emotions this book evoked, it was another extremely late night staying up just so I could finish reading it, I was truly captivated by this amazing, thought provoking story.

Seventeen year-old Linden Sky Davis is sarcastic, witty and strong; she lives with her mother Karen in a technology free household and after being home-schooled her whole life is about to start public school, already holding a not so stellar reputation for making out with a lot of boys who don’t make her ‘feel’ she is shocked by her reaction to Dean Holder

Dean Holder {sigh} is a bad boy who isn’t, he is caring, understanding and has experienced grief and loss; he has a temper, can be arrogant and moody but his interactions with Sky and the way he held her together despite his own inner demons made me absolutely gush.

“Dean Holder? Messy brown hair? Smoldering blue eyes? A temper straight out of Fight Club?” Six

The banter between Sky and Holder had me giggling, I loved the dialogue and how they each had to one up the other - I enjoyed their competitive natures. The chemistry between them was scorching hot; I adored watching their relationship progress and see them come together as more than just friends – their first kiss (that wasn’t) was overwhelming and wonderful.

Despite enjoying the romantic aspect, the story is also heart breaking and filled with some gut wrenching secrets as well as a difficult subject matter, I had no idea what to expect; I had a slight inkling about what Sky had endured but how the rest of her life had panned out and the reasoning as to why I was clueless, I liked the element of surprise, especially when it came to her mother, Karen.

Mention should also go to the wonderful side characters; best friend Six was amazing, I’d love to read a story written from her POV & Breckin was a classic.

Colleen Hoover’s writing is mesmerizing, the words she has penned flow beautifully and you are captivated by the gut wrenching tale she is telling but also see the hope. Each piece of the plot came together perfectly, from the very first moment Sky and Holder meet to the very ending, it all fit together nicely to create a stunningly real, passionate and complex story.

Hopeless is an intense, poignant, emotional roller-coaster of a read; the journey Sky and Holder had to take was traumatic and fraught with pain but they did it side-by-side, certainly not without a few misunderstandings but the way he protected her left me swooning and cheering for a HEA.

A few of my favourite quotes:

“The first time you kissed me?" I say. "That moment when your lips touched mine? You stole a piece of my heart that night”

“The moment my lips touch yours, it will be your first kiss. Because if you've never felt anything when someone's kissed you, then no one's ever really kissed you. Not the way I plan on kissing you.”

“The sky is always beautiful.Even when it's dark or rainy or cloudy,it's still beautiful to look'll be there no matter what...and I know it'll always be beautiful.” 

I highly recommend Hopeless, a story about, love, loss, life and hope.

Due to sexual content and heavy subject matter, this book is recommended for ages 17+


  1. Nooooooooo! I don't have time to stop and read this!!! You are evil, evil, evil. O.O I have this sitting here, not even tempting me, while I work on some other things for next week and then you go and rave about it? You're killing me.

    Awesome review, you meanie. ;) I'm praying we have an internet outage so I have an excuse not to work for a few days.

    1. Haha! I'm sorry Barbara, it was recommended to me & I had to put all of my review books down just to read it - it was such a heartbreaking read but also really wonderful.

      I hope you enjoy it once you read it :)

  2. I also loved Brecking so much, adores Six, fan Sky and swooned over Holder. I love your review! I posted mine a few days ago and my thoughts are pretty much the same. However, Point of Retreat is STILL my nr. 1 book by Colleen, heh. You should definitely get on Slammed next, this series is as amazing as this book:)

    Siiri @ Siiri @ Little Pieces of Imagination

    1. I have heard such wonderful praise for her Slammed series, it sounds just as amazing! Wasn't Breckin & Six fantastic!! Loved them both & Holder was perfect <3

  3. Well now I want to read this! I have Colleen's previous two books (Slammed and the sequel) but am yet to read them. I noticed you were reading this and the cover and title really appeal to me, and so does the emotional content!

    Great review, Sharon!

    p.s I've added your blog to our blogroll!

    1. Thank-you <3

      I hope you enjoy this Mandee, it was such a touching read; I hope to start on her Slammed series in the New Year :)

  4. I've read Slammed and Point of Retreat earlier this year and absolutely fell in love! Colleen Hoover is definitely an author to watch! Great Review for Hopeless I've been thinking about giving this one a try but i was hesitante since I wasn't sure this would would as great as the Slammed series but after reading some reviews i'm thinking of giving it a try. i'm a sucker for bad boys :)

    1. I am so pleased to hear you enjoyed Slammed & Point of Retreat, I hope you get to read Hopeless as well, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I must admit I love the bad boys as well ;)

  5. OMG great review!! I love it!! I read Slammed and really enjoyed it but I actually wasn't crazy about Point of Retreat. Most people adore both though. You should totally read them! Since you loved Hopeless, I'm pretty sure you'll love Slammed! :D

    I really need to buy Hopeless ASAP! Thanks for the epic review! GIVE ME EMOTIONS!! LOL!

    1. This one has emotions in abundance! It was crazy but I was hooked :) I had been putting off reading Slammed for some reason but I'm keen to start on it now.

      Thanks Ashley <3

  6. Great review, Sharon! I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed this book. I read this one last week and thought it was great but not as good as the Slammed series. So, you're definitely going to love that one! :)
    I love your paragraph on Holder. You were spot on with that description!

    1. I loved Holder <3

      I'm so pleased to hear Slammed is better, I am so eager to start on it.

  7. I love banter especially the kind that makes you giggle. Holder sounds awesome. Eep I cannot wait to read this.

    1. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did Kimba :) Holder was a classic!

  8. I just read this book because of your review and i must say, it was very good! I'm not one to read romance books but this was perfect! I would surely read Slammed and Point of Retreat!


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