
Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!!

happy new year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Quotes Pictures 
Happy New Year!

I hope you had the most enjoyable NYE Celebration, I was fortunate enough to be able to spend mine with my family on Sydney Harbour with great food, amazing company and spectacular views followed up today relaxing on the beach with a good book in hand.


2012 had its ups and downs in my personal life with many changes but for my blog, it was definitely an up! I now have an awesome following and some extremely special regular visitors who honestly make book blogging so fulfilling; it makes my day every time I see a new comment so my heartfelt thanks go out to all of my followers.

There are so many fantastic books being released this year that I can’t wait to get hold of, many are sequels I am eagerly awaiting but there are also some amazing debuts, so I have decided to share my Top 10 most anticipated (in no particular order).

(Clicking on the link will take you to Goodreads)

Altered by Jennifer Rush
The Archived by Victoria Schwab
The Essence by Kimberly Derting
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
The Collector by Victoria Scott
Mortality by Kellie Sheridan
Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Chosen at Nightfall by C.C. Hunter
Goddess by Josephine Angelini
Dare You To by Katie McGarry

I started to do a best of 2012 list but it proved impossible since I couldn’t narrow it down to my top 10, so I picked a favourite/most memorable from each month (release date not month read).

January Blue Sky Days by Marie Landry
February Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley
March Perception by Kim Harrington
April The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
May Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins & Dreamless by Josephine Angelini
June Borrowed Ember by Samantha Young
July Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry
August Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout
September Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter
October Whispers at Moonrise by C.C. Hunter & Poison Princess by Kresley Cole
November The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay & Deity by Jennifer L. Armentrout
December Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout

My Goodreads reading goal for 2012 was 200, I made it to 187 which I am quite pleased with. My goal for 2013 will again be 200.


I usually set myself the usual New Years resolutions – exercise more, stress less etc. etc.. but usually fail miserably, this year I am going to find the small blessings in all of my achievements be it small or large and appreciate and enjoy every moment of my life with my gorgeous children and amazing husband.

Blog wise, I need to work on a few changes and mix things up a bit – more topic posts and reviews and I’ve decided to take a step back from participating in as many blog tours, I took on waaaaay too many towards the end of 2012 (there were so many amazing books!) but I ended up swamped and blogging became more of a chore  so I will only be reading books that I am really interested in reading; I am going back to blogging for fun and as a hobby.

Did you set yourself any resolutions for 2013?

I hope 2013 is a wonderful, exciting, healthy and happy year for you, filled with many new and exciting memories.

Thank-you again for your loyalty! I hope 2013 brings you and your family much joy, happiness, good health and wonderful memories and I look forward to the blogging year ahead.


  1. Happy New Year, Sharon! After midnight here they showed footage of the fireworks in Sydney Harbour and they were AMAZING! I thought of you. I'm so honoured to have made your list of favourite 2012 books! You're such a great friend, and I promise to visit more this year (I finally just subscribed to get your email updates, not sure why I didn't do it sooner). Have a wonderful 2013!

    1. Happy New Year Marie :) I hope you had a wonderful celebration! The fireworks were fantastic and the atmosphere alone amazing!

      Blue Sky Days is still very clear in my mind, it was definitely a memorable read for me & I hope to start on The Game Changer very soon.

      Thankyou for subscribing <3

  2. Happy New Year Sharon and I love the books you are waiting on for 2013. I so want to read the Collector, the cover makes me drool! I love visiting your blog and cannot wait to see what you bring us in 2013~ {{hugs}}

    1. Thank-you so much Kimba <3 Your visits and comments honestly make me smile xx

      There are some amazing releases in 2013, I agree with you on the cover of The Collector! it also sounds fantastic.

      Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year, Sharon!! I love watching the fireworks show in Sydney Harbor - they completely outdo anything we have here in the States, frankly. :)

    All I can do is nod my head like a puppet at your lists - yes, yes, yes, yes, over and over. There's so much goodness coming and you picked so many good things from 2012! I can't tell you how much I agree with cutting back on tours - I was just saying that to a friend the other day. I'd like to be able to read books that I really want to and be okay with not reviewing them if they stink rather than being stuck to a schedule and forced to review books I don't particularly like. It slows me down, clogs my schedule because I don't want to do it and I'm not doing books I want. So congratulations on that resolution! Your personal resolution is brilliant too - if the point of making them is to bring yourself some happiness, that sounds like a wonderful way. I need to work on something like that - see, you inspired me, bonus win #1.

    My only other resolution is to get organized for the 4th or 5th year in a row. I've got to sit and plan it out again because I almost had it last year. :/

    1. Happy New Year Barbara! the fireworks were unbelievable, I definitely want to make it an annual event now the kids are a little older and enjoy it more.

      I really struggled with my lists because there were so many fantastic books and I'm too indecisive, 2013 is going to be a busy reading year!

      I'm pleased I was able to inspire you :)I just hope I manage to stick to my resolutions. I hope this is your year to get organised (I always cringe when our spelling is different, it feels like I don't know how to spell) :)


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