
Monday 4 January 2016

Happy New Year!!

Happy 2016 everyone & thank you for stopping by!

I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and an amazing start to 2016!! 

We had a really lovely Christmas, the kids were spoilt rotten, we spent the day with my family and then my in-laws which was great! it's summer here in Australia and the weather was amazing! (not the best now) It's been a great few weeks of catching up with friends and family and we haven't stopped eating, I attempted a slow cooked Christmas pudding for the first time and it turned out soooo well, I was quietly impressed with myself.


New Year’s started off quietly for us as I have had both of my kids sick with a viral infection, joy oh joy! We did get to bring in the NY with a great feast, our family visiting and watching the Sydney city skyline and local beach fireworks from our balcony which was pretty amazing! How did you bring in the New Year?

Sydney Harbour 2016!

I took a very much needed break from reading, blogging, commenting and all home computer time at the end of 2015 and I think it was the best thing for me because I started to feel really burnt out; I started taking on extra hours at work and by the time I would get home, do afternoon activities with the kids and relax I just had no motivation to do anything book-ish related unfortunately. I have enjoyed taking time out for me and to not focus on catching up on review books and feeling the need rather than want to blog but I think I have my mojo back now and I’m ready to start the New Year afresh. I have some pretty amazing 2016 ARC review titles to read so I’m looking forward to sharing my thoughts on them with you.

In 2015 I was 6 books off meeting my Goodreads challenge, my goal was 150. I have the same goal for this year and fingers crossed I meet it as I have since 2010 (I’m pretty sure I did for last year but I haven’t been very active on GR’s to update my books).

I didn’t have a great reading year; I only gave 6 books a 5 star rating so I am hoping 2016 is an amazing reading year. What was your fave book of 2015?

Did anyone set a NY resolution? I don’t normally but this year I am having a milestone birthday & by that date I want to be fit, active and lose a few kg’s; I’ve been so motivated and well behaved with my eating for the past few 4 months but the Christmas and NY break really messed with my eating habits (I have an obsession with rum balls and eggnog!)

View of my daily walks - motivation enough ;-)

I hope that you have all had a wonderful start to the year and I look forward to talking books with you all throughout the year.



  1. Wow, those fireworks are awesome!
    2015 was so stressful, I'm glad it's over. I was 15 books away from meeting my gr goal and honestly, I don't even care. I only set my goal to 100 books this year cause I want reading to be fun again.
    Have a great 2016 Shannon!

  2. Looks like you guys had a fun New Year's and glad Christmas was good, too. We were exhausted so stayed in and watched movies. There weren't any fireworks nearby, but lots of people shot off their guns and firecrackers. :)

    I think you made a wise decision to take some time away from your blog and review commitments to recharge the batteries since this is supposed to be fun.

    That's a good New Year's goal. I've got a similar ongoing one. Hope you make it for your milestone birthday.

    Happy New Year!

  3. I wish you an amazing new reading year! Cheers


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