
Tuesday 5 January 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Resolutions We Have For 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. It is a chance for everyone to share lists and get to know fellow bloggers.

January 5: Top Ten Resolutions We Have For 2015 (can be bookish, personal resolutions, "I resolve to finally read these 10 books, series I resolve to finish in 2015, etc.)

1. I would like to get started on the Harry Potter series – they have been sitting on my bookshelf forever! I love the movies so I really hope to read the books.

2. I want to catch up on the Lunar Chronicles series by Melissa Marr – I have read Cinder but ever since I found out that the sequel featured different characters I gave up, I hope to get back into this series because I thoroughly enjoyed Melissa Marr’s writing, world-building and characters.

3. I want to get back into blogging on a more regular basis – I took a bit of a blogging, commenting, computer etc. break at the end of 2015, I found it all a bit too much and I was getting really bored so I hope to get back into the swing of posting regularly again.

4. I want to make some new blogging friends – I have my fave blogs tabbed on my computer so its easy for me to just click and visit so I want to start stopping by a few more, I have been a bit slack in branching out lately.

5. I would like to attend at least one blogging / publisher event – In the almost 5 years that I have been blogging, I have never attended a bookish event. I hope to be able to at least attend one this year.

6. Comment, comment & comment some more – this sort of relates to #4; I want to start commenting on other logs a little more as well as respond on my own blog.

7. To catch up on the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning - My fave series is Fever by Karen Marie Moning and I have been putting off starting on the spin-off series which originally featured Dani O’malley as the MC, she wasn’t my favourite character so I haven’t had the urge to read these but I hope to this year.

The next few are personal resolutions:-

8. Milestone birthday – I have a milestone birthday this year and my aim is to be fit, healthy and to lose just a few unwanted kg’s. I actually started my fitness goal a few months ago now but I have been a little naughty over Xmas and NY so I want to get back into it.

9. Holiday – Hubby just celebrated his milestone birthday so as a gift to each other we are taking a family overseas trip, I want to plan something fabulous and have it booked by April at the latest.

10. Stress less, have more fun! – I am a big stress head & often suffer from anxiety, especially when it comes to my family so I want to take a step back and focus more on me and my health and wellbeing, I need to de-stress and take things easy. This has been my resolution for a while but this year I hope to achieve it.


  1. Great goals! Very excited about the Lunar series, you know I love those. Less stress is my motto for 2016 :)

  2. New visitor :) Just wanted to say hey! Great goals, BTW!!
    Danielle @ Life With Two Boys

  3. OOh nice ones! I am behind with KMM's Fever series again! Hoping to get caught up there as well!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. You should definitely get to the HP and The Lunar Chronicles books, Sharon. They are my favorite! :)
    You birthday milestone and the holiday trip sounds like it would be so much fun. And I need to lose some kgs too. BADLY.
    Good luck with all of these, Sharon and I hope you get back your enthusiasm for blogging this year!

  5. I have read the first book in the Harry Potter series, and I really want to finish them! I really need to read those AND the Percy Jackson series. I may be a little late reading them, but better late than never! Good luck on all of your resolutions!

  6. Good luck with all of your 2016 goals! I hope you enjoy reading Harry Potter.
    My TTT:


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