
Wednesday 6 July 2016

Over the Line (On the Run #2) by Lisa Desrochers

Over the Line (On the Run, #2)Over the Line

Author: Lisa Desrochers
Series: On the Run
Pages: 220
Source: Netgalley
Release date: 19th April 2016

Synopis (Goodreads): The USA Today bestselling author of Outside the Lines once again explores love on the edge in an explosive new romance about obsession, betrayal, and a killer attraction.

Lee Delgado never planned on falling in love with the irresistible Oliver Savoca, son of a Chicago crime lord. Considering that their families are rivals, she knew it could never work. And now that both their fathers have been nabbed on racketeering charges, any real chance at a future with the man she loves has been shot to hell. But a greater blow is yet to come. 

Not only does Lee learn that a contract is out on her life, she has reason to believe that Oliver is behind the devastating betrayal. Now she’s working closely—very closely—with Federal Agent Sean Callahan to help bring her man down. But however she’s come to feel about Callahan, Lee is still deeply, hopelessly, unabashedly in love with Oliver.

Where that fearless love takes Lee next is beyond her control—but the risk is worth every beat of her heart.

Review: 3 out of 5 stars

I am a huge fan of Lisa Desrochers A LIttle Too Far series so when I saw this book on Netgalley I instantly requested it not realising that it was the second book in the series (oops); but I never at any stage found it confusing or hard to follow.

Lee Delgado and her siblings had to move from Chicago to Port St. Mary, Florida and enter the Witsec program when their mafia father was put in jail. Always looking over their shoulders knowing there is a contract on their heads they lay low and have only each other to trust.

When Oliver Savoca, also the son of a Chicago crime lord locates Lee after months of searching; her whole life is about to become undone because her family have no idea that she had a relationship with her enemy during her time in college and after betraying his trust she believes that he has come for revenge.

The Delgado and Savoca families are rivals in the Chicago underground scene, a life that they have all grown up with and are struggling to adapt to life away from crime.

Lee was an interesting character, she is strong, intelligent and resourceful; there were a number of secrets that she was hiding from her family that I felt could have been dealt with differently but I understood her predicament also. I liked Oliver but I don’t feel like we got to see much of them as a couple; it all progressed very quickly without learning to trust one another again, he did seem to show her how much he cared in his actions but I still couldn’t tell whether or not he could be trusted.

I liked each of the Delgado siblings, they all seem to struggle with their new personas but I feel more so Lee because of the role she played in putting her father in jail. I am really curious about Grant; I am looking forward to reading his book and learning more about him.

We also have an additional love interest, Wes Buchanan who is an officer in charge of looking after the Delgado family; I don’t feel the added romance/angst between him and Lee was needed, she treated him pretty crappy. It seemed like he was added in for additional drama.

This wasn’t an action packed novel; there were flashbacks to the past and discussions of the future, it worked well but I would have loved a bit more edge of your seats ‘mafia’ moments. I thought the steamy moments and the characters interactions were all written well as was the POV’s from both Lee and Oliver.

The ending was satisfying but very rushed and predictable; I am looking forward to reading the next book in the On the Run series.

Thank you to Intermix via Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review Over the Line.


  1. I've only read A Little Too Far, but really liked it. This sounds interesting, but I'd have to start with the 1st book. :D

    1. The hero from the first book is in this and to be honest he didn't appeal to me at all so I'm not too sure I'll be picking his book up.

      I enjoyed A Little too Far as well :-)

  2. I only liked one book by her and it never really felt the urge to pick up anything else by her. I don't think this up my alley to be honest. The added the love interest would irritate me!

    1. I enjoyed her A Little Too Far series but I'm not sure if I'll continue with this one, it didn't wow me enough unfortunately.

  3. I haven't read a book by her in a long time. Hm... might have to try this series. Even though it sounds rushed and predictable (I'm an ending girl) , it does sound like it is entertaining. I'm good with that. :)

    1. This was entertaining but I didn't love it or find it memorable, I am an ending girl too :-)

  4. Seems like an interesting story. I haven't heard of this series before but I wouldn't mind picking up the first book. Too bad there wasn't a lot of action in this one but at least the characters kept the interest going. Nice review. Thanks for your honesty.

    1. Thank you Shane! I definitely preferred her other series more. This was just ok for me :-)


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