
Tuesday 5 July 2016

Where I am at & book recommendations!

Hi everyone!

Thank you for stopping by, as you may have noticed I have been a little slack in posting most recently; I have been crazy busy and to be honest I have lost my reading, blogging and commenting mojo.

I have read 50 books so far this year (half of what I read last year) and to be honest there has been nothing that has really stood out or wowed me, I’m having a bit of a bad reading year and I’m finding debuts and new releases to be really disappointing unfortunately.

I am hoping to get back into the swing of things over the next few weeks; a few of my fave authors have releases over the coming months so I am hoping that I have a few 5 star reads to share with you.

In the meantime! I’d love to hear of any amazing books that you have read this year?? Preferably YA or NA.

Happy reading!!

A few upcoming releases I'm excited to read!

And I Darken (Conqueror's Saga, #1) Nemesis (Nemesis #1) The Flame Never Dies (The Stars Never Rise, #2) Torn (A Wicked Saga, #2) 
Arcana Rising (The Arcana Chronicles, #4) The Flame Never Dies (The Stars Never Rise, #2) Warrior Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass, #5)


  1. And I Darken and Nemesis sound great! Two of my favorite recent YA reads have been Ink and Bone and it's sequel Paper and Fire by Rachel Caine.

  2. You're not the only one who is having a hard time with new releases, Sharon. I've honestly stopped even bothering with new YA releases. I've been focusing a lot more on past books I never got around to reading and I'm loving it!
    I'm so very excited for The Flame Never Dies! I can't wait to see how the story wraps up. I'm curious about Nemesis, but I'll most likely wait to see how the book does with readers before picking it up.
    Some of my recent 2016 favorite books are A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet (adult fantasy romance - it's out in August though it's on NG!), Lady Midnight, Outrun the Moon and The Impostor Queen. I don't know if you've read any, but I thought I'd recommend you some new stuff.
    I hope you get your reading mojo back! :)

  3. I have had books that have stood .out, but at the same time they have not been great. Only part of them has been amazing. Strange year

  4. I have to reccommend Asking For It by Irish author Louise O'Neill. It's very topical and I think that everyone should read it.

    1. Have to jump in and second this. Also, read her debut, Only Ever Yours. They're both phenomenal. NOT light reads, but very important ones!

  5. I hope you get your reading mojo back soon! It can be annoying when nothing appeals to you. I've definitely excited for And I Darken, too! It sounds amazing!

  6. Aw I am sorry you've been in such a slump! Your upcoming books look amazing though, I want to read basically all of them! Let's see, what have I read this year that I loved.. The Serpent King, The Memory Book, The Air Awakens series, Nora & Kettle, The Girl From Everywhere, The Glittering Court, You Were Here... there's probably a few more hahah, but hopefully one of those could work for you? Good luck, I hope you get to read lots of amazing books- you're due for some!


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